Monday, January 18, 2010

News: What the hell are you doing?

To start things off, I would like to state for the record that that Section 8 Game bores me to death. While orbital warfare is pretty cool and all, the game just doesn't satisfy me enough. Even getting those achievements ain't worth getting since the game itself bores me too much.

Moving on to bigger fish, news and other fish.

Q1. Why did u move back here (to blogspot)?

A1. Because it mush simpler and easier to use. AKA - Since I made that, I though it was super awesome and would be mush easier to work with. BUT as usual, it didn't work out. Too much work here and there, some people might not been able to get in and... it was just that.
(NOT to mention I tried it SEVERAL times and quit using it, deleting old accounts and such)

Q2- What are you doing now?

A2- Playing a shit loads of games like Halo Wars, Section 8, FEAR and the following below. I borrowing these games from a real life friend for a while. And I put general reviews on them.

Halo Wars - Good game for getting achievements and for knocking
off several hours.
FEAR - Haven't beaten it yet, okay so far.
Airborne - Better than most.
Army of Two - It's worth $20 if you're getting it.
Lost planet - Pain in the ass. Pretty okay but don't really care
EndWar - Haven't beaten yet but a bit more entertaining than Halo Wars.
Section 8 - Don't really like it.

Q3- When is your fucking future machinima/future projects coming like Grey Team, that D51 Ep 4 crap, or whatever the fuck you're making/coming out?!

A3- I just don't know... I JUST DON'T FUCKING KNOW!!!!!!

But I do know is that they will come out when their done, canceled or postponed. I haven't delete my D51 Ep 4 files yet so that something. Even I have written 3 scripts shits for Grey Team, I don't know if I'll continue with it... IT'S NOT EASY YOU KNOW!!!!
As for ANY series in general, Since my stuff is good but average crappy stuff so far, I might finally sink to a new low soon enough. Something to do with Zelda, ODST or something with movie making.

Speaking of ODST, I might borrow a copy of the same friend and might make something of it, like firefight or... a mini series that MIGHT be finished???

Q4- What's up with the address?

A4- I figure that my GT is Dragonheartd51, I figure... why the hell not?
If I don't like it, I can change it to... DragonD51Pro.blogsopt???

Q5- You said something about a new Online alias and a back-up account?

A5- You heard right, I will and hope to get around that soon enough but it won't be anytime soon. The name? Yet to be born and the back-up?

It's a back up account. :)

Now I'm sick of typing and want to do something. I might have to purge my PC and start all over in the future due to viruses and due to a anti virus thingy that won't work on my PC but if that happens I'll let you know about.

Peace out.

PS: Does ANYONE give a shit about ODST anymore???
... I guess not.

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