Saturday, May 22, 2010

Thursday, May 13, 2010

News: A "New" Copyright Page and a "New" Official Alias

As you know, I'm know as... well, DragonD51, DragonheartD51
or Dragon for short. And as from this moment on, I'm known ass...


Okay... to clear things up better, I'm still and will be pretty much
be forever known as DragonD51 but I prefer DragonheartD51 as my official
online name due to my GT being DragonheartD51 and... well...
That's pretty much it.

I have basically moved my copyright page from my old to
a new blog page for it. You can check that shit out.

Aside from those two things, I'm still trying to get off my arse
and make two vids, one short and one mid to long one before
I go tramping around Colorado and put that site to real use.

That's pretty much it for now. Peace out.