Here's a little piece of history that has been
in my Hard Drive for nearly a year and only saw
lots of filming action but little editing.
Some time ago, my DragonD51 MisAdventures was my "ongoing" series
in order to sharpen my skills in movie making. It saw Four Episodes, a few
shorts and a trailer to my biggest project in machinima yet.
The D51 MisAdventures Episode 4 in two if not three parts.
Also starting in was LC1Banana and SplinterCell37 as extra voice actors.
I also had Sniper2477 for a role but never answered the call.
But no biggie.
It was about Dragon, Major DooM and Spades fending off a army of zombies
in the far north.
Filming and working with others on Xbox LIVE is a royal pain in the ass...
but working by yourself is also a pain in the ass.
Due to other shits and such, this project has been grinded to a halt.
And I can honestly say that I no longer have any interest in producing this
episode. Which brings this blog to the question of the day...
To delete or not to delete and finish this as best as I could.
What do you think?
Here's a few pics of production.
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