It's September and I though I might share some new shit that is been developing here.
One: My Xbox Gold Subscription will expire on the 5th and I have no plans on renewing it and since I no longer care for making movies on Halo 3, I might just get rid of my shit completely. But then again, there's Halo Reach in which I think is pretty cool and a more fitting game for Bungie's last halo game then that Orbital Dip Shit Tards game. And there's COD Black Ops. While I'm still hesitated on buying it, I rather bust a nut over that then Modern Shitfuck 2 instead. ESPECIALLY when it has a FREAKING THEATER MODE, A CHARACTER AND WEAPON CUSTOMIZATION MODE HAS WELL AS A OFFLINE MULTIPLAYER MODE AS WELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In short, Even there's Halo Reach and all, I'm thinking about selling my Xbox along with my games and extra controllers and shit for a PS3 so for those on my friends list that are reading this, if you have to, remove me from your list. It's been fun and all and I wish you guys the best. And who knows? We might see each other on PSN.
Anyway moving on...
Two: Better yet, for what I payed for two xboxs and a whole bunch of games and shit, I could have got around 3 hunting rifles and 3 shotguns!!!
For better or for the better, I say it's time to move on... as in this.
1 - It's PS3 from here on out.
2 - If I get a good idea, I might make a movie... if I still care.
3 - At least I'm being honest with you.
Three: After 13 LONG years of dicking around and finally putting their foot down, 2K Games have given not only the development of the infamous Duke Nukem Forever but also the IP rights to Gearbox Software. Which mean this, The Game that Did Not Finish WILL be finished and will be out next year... we hope.
That is all for this blog update and I HOPE you people will understand why I'm doing this. But YET again, knowing my shitty luck, I'll end up keeping my shitbox and buy Black Ops along with a Year long Gold Subscription next time.
Only time will tell.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Sunday, August 29, 2010
News: Still nothing
Long time no updates... since there was nothing to update anyway.
No projects in my mind but what I do have is some audio recorded and a script for Episode Three for The DT Brigade. Just in case you might want to know.
But what does this "Project A" that I posted on my deviantART about?
I don't know about it either but if it's a movie, then it might be a poster for a moive but for now... it's just a poster.
PS I might start a short comic.
No projects in my mind but what I do have is some audio recorded and a script for Episode Three for The DT Brigade. Just in case you might want to know.
But what does this "Project A" that I posted on my deviantART about?
I don't know about it either but if it's a movie, then it might be a poster for a moive but for now... it's just a poster.
PS I might start a short comic.
Friday, July 23, 2010
A New "Personal" blog and some Updates.
I decided to make a blog that will contain whatever adventures, thoughts,
opinions of the "REAL" DragonheartD51... yeah...
So that means that this blog is still used for whatever movie, machinima,
short projects that I'll post in the future about whatever they may be.
In other news, I'm posting some gameplay videos from games on a dedicated playlist just be cause I can and want to. Just in the event that some people think I'm dead.
The third DT Brigade might be up at the end of the month. So that when I do
decided to stop making videos, I can say that I made a series. (Even though that I want to make five but can't due to personal shit going on.)
opinions of the "REAL" DragonheartD51... yeah...
So that means that this blog is still used for whatever movie, machinima,
short projects that I'll post in the future about whatever they may be.
In other news, I'm posting some gameplay videos from games on a dedicated playlist just be cause I can and want to. Just in the event that some people think I'm dead.
The third DT Brigade might be up at the end of the month. So that when I do
decided to stop making videos, I can say that I made a series. (Even though that I want to make five but can't due to personal shit going on.)
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Hard Times means Hard Choices.
In other words, Sony Vegas keeps shutting down every time when I try to render The Third DT Brigade Installment. So I decided to make the hard decision to delete the files... which I'm NOT looking forward to doing all that filming, audio and editing shit again.
It was a decent episode but for some reason it did give me a funny feeling about it in my gut and I have to go with my gut on this one. That & it was 8 to 9 minutes long, in which last time, I was gonna try to make it only four minutes long. Which I will try to this time.
In other news, I got this sweet ass backpack for $75 and it look like it was $115 or $130. Good thing I got it for what I paid.
So the third DT is delayed and who knows, maybe I'll get some voice actors and make the fourth one while I remake the third.
Once again, thank you for reading this and hope you'll stick around.
PS: I might actually post some gameplay videos of BF:BC2 or whatever for no reason.
It was a decent episode but for some reason it did give me a funny feeling about it in my gut and I have to go with my gut on this one. That & it was 8 to 9 minutes long, in which last time, I was gonna try to make it only four minutes long. Which I will try to this time.
In other news, I got this sweet ass backpack for $75 and it look like it was $115 or $130. Good thing I got it for what I paid.
So the third DT is delayed and who knows, maybe I'll get some voice actors and make the fourth one while I remake the third.
Once again, thank you for reading this and hope you'll stick around.
PS: I might actually post some gameplay videos of BF:BC2 or whatever for no reason.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
The DT Brigade is my LAST project in Halo 3... EVER!!!
Yep. As of from this moment on and as soon I finish my DT Brigade series with Halo 3, i'm no longer making any more movies with Halo 3... Ever.
It sucks, it's more dried up than Death Valley and only the BIG
names and directors can make any use out of it. And I would like
to use other games for movies for whatever reason. Even though I have
been saying that for a long time, I mean it for real.
And speaking of video production in general, if push comes to shove in July, I may stop making movies all together and just retire from YT for good. But yet again... whatever. So... I still have my DT series to finish and there will only be two episodes after Episode 3. And after that... well... I tell you that once I cross that Bridge. K?
Anyway, the 3rd installment is close to being finished, just the BS editing and most likely more BS re-shooting scenes to get it right. So, I also decided (as I'm typing this) that the 3rd Episode will released on Friday night and with my fingers cross that you'll like it after busting my arse.
Enough ranting! Have a good week, stay safe and if you feel the need to un-sub because I may stop making movies, well... you do what you got to do right?
NOTE: For the first time, I did some voice acting for SniperSoopy for a upcoming project of his. Check it out when it hits on YT.
It sucks, it's more dried up than Death Valley and only the BIG
names and directors can make any use out of it. And I would like
to use other games for movies for whatever reason. Even though I have
been saying that for a long time, I mean it for real.
And speaking of video production in general, if push comes to shove in July, I may stop making movies all together and just retire from YT for good. But yet again... whatever. So... I still have my DT series to finish and there will only be two episodes after Episode 3. And after that... well... I tell you that once I cross that Bridge. K?
Anyway, the 3rd installment is close to being finished, just the BS editing and most likely more BS re-shooting scenes to get it right. So, I also decided (as I'm typing this) that the 3rd Episode will released on Friday night and with my fingers cross that you'll like it after busting my arse.
Enough ranting! Have a good week, stay safe and if you feel the need to un-sub because I may stop making movies, well... you do what you got to do right?
NOTE: For the first time, I did some voice acting for SniperSoopy for a upcoming project of his. Check it out when it hits on YT.
Friday, June 18, 2010
O.S.O. N.S.I?
Old Shit Out, New Shit In?
Here's a little piece of history that has been
in my Hard Drive for nearly a year and only saw
lots of filming action but little editing.
Some time ago, my DragonD51 MisAdventures was my "ongoing" series
in order to sharpen my skills in movie making. It saw Four Episodes, a few
shorts and a trailer to my biggest project in machinima yet.
The D51 MisAdventures Episode 4 in two if not three parts.
Also starting in was LC1Banana and SplinterCell37 as extra voice actors.
I also had Sniper2477 for a role but never answered the call.
But no biggie.
It was about Dragon, Major DooM and Spades fending off a army of zombies
in the far north.
Filming and working with others on Xbox LIVE is a royal pain in the ass...
but working by yourself is also a pain in the ass.
Due to other shits and such, this project has been grinded to a halt.
And I can honestly say that I no longer have any interest in producing this
episode. Which brings this blog to the question of the day...
To delete or not to delete and finish this as best as I could.
What do you think?
Here's a few pics of production.

Here's a little piece of history that has been
in my Hard Drive for nearly a year and only saw
lots of filming action but little editing.
Some time ago, my DragonD51 MisAdventures was my "ongoing" series
in order to sharpen my skills in movie making. It saw Four Episodes, a few
shorts and a trailer to my biggest project in machinima yet.
The D51 MisAdventures Episode 4 in two if not three parts.
Also starting in was LC1Banana and SplinterCell37 as extra voice actors.
I also had Sniper2477 for a role but never answered the call.
But no biggie.
It was about Dragon, Major DooM and Spades fending off a army of zombies
in the far north.
Filming and working with others on Xbox LIVE is a royal pain in the ass...
but working by yourself is also a pain in the ass.
Due to other shits and such, this project has been grinded to a halt.
And I can honestly say that I no longer have any interest in producing this
episode. Which brings this blog to the question of the day...
To delete or not to delete and finish this as best as I could.
What do you think?
Here's a few pics of production.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
The Second Installment is here at last.
Just Click here and dig the new DT Brigade Episode.
A Script of the third one will be, if it is not already underway.
Thanks for reading this.
A Script of the third one will be, if it is not already underway.
Thanks for reading this.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
A 2nd DT Episode and a back-up account.
A second DT Brigade is begin made and will be out when it's done.
Plus which sounds better as a official back-up/personal account?
Please vote and thank you for liking my first DT Brigade Episode. :)
Plus which sounds better as a official back-up/personal account?
Please vote and thank you for liking my first DT Brigade Episode. :)
Saturday, May 22, 2010
I'm on the devianART field of Operations
That's right. I have a Official Account on
So... yeah. I think it's cool and for anyone who has a problem with my decision.
Please refer to this person to clear things up for you.
Thank you and have a safe summer.
So... yeah. I think it's cool and for anyone who has a problem with my decision.
Please refer to this person to clear things up for you.
Thank you and have a safe summer.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Thursday, May 13, 2010
News: A "New" Copyright Page and a "New" Official Alias
As you know, I'm know as... well, DragonD51, DragonheartD51
or Dragon for short. And as from this moment on, I'm known ass...
Okay... to clear things up better, I'm still and will be pretty much
be forever known as DragonD51 but I prefer DragonheartD51 as my official
online name due to my GT being DragonheartD51 and... well...
That's pretty much it.
I have basically moved my copyright page from my old to
a new blog page for it. You can check that shit out.
Aside from those two things, I'm still trying to get off my arse
and make two vids, one short and one mid to long one before
I go tramping around Colorado and put that site to real use.
That's pretty much it for now. Peace out.
or Dragon for short. And as from this moment on, I'm known ass...
Okay... to clear things up better, I'm still and will be pretty much
be forever known as DragonD51 but I prefer DragonheartD51 as my official
online name due to my GT being DragonheartD51 and... well...
That's pretty much it.
I have basically moved my copyright page from my old to
a new blog page for it. You can check that shit out.
Aside from those two things, I'm still trying to get off my arse
and make two vids, one short and one mid to long one before
I go tramping around Colorado and put that site to real use.
That's pretty much it for now. Peace out.
Monday, April 26, 2010
News: A short vid and the bullshit flu.
Once again, my internet has been out of whack again for the past
five days and I got sick yesterday but I'm feeling better now.
Here's a few things you should like to know.
One is that I'm making a short Halo 3 machinima piece that I
though of yesterday and I hope to post it on Thursday or Friday.
Two is that I'm putting that old site to use for something
in the future.
Three is... oh yeah, My Xbox shits will expire on the 7th of May...
so which means that I have until then to kick more ass.
So uhh... yeah. That's pretty much it.
I may also start a deviantART account. for some reason.
Anyway, I gotta go and do some shit and I'll see you later.
five days and I got sick yesterday but I'm feeling better now.
Here's a few things you should like to know.
One is that I'm making a short Halo 3 machinima piece that I
though of yesterday and I hope to post it on Thursday or Friday.
Two is that I'm putting that old site to use for something
in the future.
Three is... oh yeah, My Xbox shits will expire on the 7th of May...
so which means that I have until then to kick more ass.
So uhh... yeah. That's pretty much it.
I may also start a deviantART account. for some reason.
Anyway, I gotta go and do some shit and I'll see you later.
Monday, April 19, 2010
News: No more Bad Company 2.
If you haven't figure it out, I decided that I'm no longer posting
any more playthroughs of BF BC2.
Why? It's because that at first it was a pretty cool idea but when I
delayed the posting and since my internet has been out of whack for the
past few days and since I feel a little down lately about not keeping
up with this, I decided to put a end to the project and I'm also deleting
the videos.
I may not be in movie making anymore but I still have a few ideas I
want to try out for a while.
And about me living in the wild, I'll go into details later on that
any more playthroughs of BF BC2.
Why? It's because that at first it was a pretty cool idea but when I
delayed the posting and since my internet has been out of whack for the
past few days and since I feel a little down lately about not keeping
up with this, I decided to put a end to the project and I'm also deleting
the videos.
I may not be in movie making anymore but I still have a few ideas I
want to try out for a while.
And about me living in the wild, I'll go into details later on that
Thursday, March 25, 2010
News: Let's Play changed to Playthrough
Since usually a Let's Play a game on YT has commentary from one's user, I decided that since I don't talk much, I'm renaming my Let's Play BF Bad Company 2 project into
this: D51's Battlefield Bad Company 2 Playthrough.
That's pretty much it. Thank you.
this: D51's Battlefield Bad Company 2 Playthrough.
That's pretty much it. Thank you.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
News: Into the Wild and into the Fray that is Bad Company 2
Even seen that movie called Into the Wild that followed the real life tale of Alex Supertramp? You can read about him here. I too am sick of how our society is becoming and want to re-respect nature alot more by living... in the WOODS!.. and proving myself.
Rest assure that I'll get the right equipment and training before venturing off into the wild.
But let's move on to other shit and crazy awesomeness that is Bad Company 2.
The Let's play Bad Company 2 Part One and Part Two of Zero, AKA Operation Aurora is up and running in 720p FUCKING HD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
You can watch it now and I could care less about the view rate, I'm gonna record, render and upload the whole campaign of it regardless of others play/walkthroughs on Youtube.
Hope you enjoy my videos and find my gameplay more or less better than some PEOPLE that I seen to date. No offense.
PS: I'm also inspired by the following books and people to go live and be alone in the wilderness.
My Side of the Mountain. (Novel)
Richard Proenneke RIP. (Person)
Jack London's Call of the Wild and White Fang... along with a few other books by London.
And a new born sense of adventure and long for freedom.
Rest assure that I'll get the right equipment and training before venturing off into the wild.
But let's move on to other shit and crazy awesomeness that is Bad Company 2.
The Let's play Bad Company 2 Part One and Part Two of Zero, AKA Operation Aurora is up and running in 720p FUCKING HD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
You can watch it now and I could care less about the view rate, I'm gonna record, render and upload the whole campaign of it regardless of others play/walkthroughs on Youtube.
Hope you enjoy my videos and find my gameplay more or less better than some PEOPLE that I seen to date. No offense.
PS: I'm also inspired by the following books and people to go live and be alone in the wilderness.
My Side of the Mountain. (Novel)
Richard Proenneke RIP. (Person)
Jack London's Call of the Wild and White Fang... along with a few other books by London.
And a new born sense of adventure and long for freedom.
Friday, March 5, 2010
News: BF BC2 is Awesome.
News on a machinima idea is still in process of being made.
It's been a while but I would like to let you know that I gotz
the limited edition of Battlefield Bad Company 2 without pre-ordering it
and I'm gonna do a playthrough/let's play type. Already played the
campaign but i don't care. Seems okay by me.
Bad idea? Nope and I don't care, I'm gonna do it anyway.
Peace out and may the force be with you.
It's been a while but I would like to let you know that I gotz
the limited edition of Battlefield Bad Company 2 without pre-ordering it
and I'm gonna do a playthrough/let's play type. Already played the
campaign but i don't care. Seems okay by me.
Bad idea? Nope and I don't care, I'm gonna do it anyway.
Peace out and may the force be with you.
Friday, February 19, 2010
News: I'm getting a MAJOR Hard-on
That means that a series of randomness with a TankMen
feeling might be made with little effort.
Stick around for more info.
feeling might be made with little effort.
Stick around for more info.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Impressions: BF: Bad Company 2 Demo
What's there to say?
I'm sold and the gameplay is better than just watching videos
of it on YT. Unlike MW2, BC2 is just more fucking fun
and is actually worth the $60.
Not to mention after Infinity Fuck's choices to remove
party-chat and dedicated servers from MW2, I would rather
chose to blow up entire buldings and teamwork over
camping anyday, EVEN when camping is now nearly impossible
in BC2.
Just goes to show to you that DICE actually care about
their customers, now THAT'S a real game company.
I'm sold and the gameplay is better than just watching videos
of it on YT. Unlike MW2, BC2 is just more fucking fun
and is actually worth the $60.
Not to mention after Infinity Fuck's choices to remove
party-chat and dedicated servers from MW2, I would rather
chose to blow up entire buldings and teamwork over
camping anyday, EVEN when camping is now nearly impossible
in BC2.
Just goes to show to you that DICE actually care about
their customers, now THAT'S a real game company.
Monday, January 18, 2010
News: What the hell are you doing?
To start things off, I would like to state for the record that that Section 8 Game bores me to death. While orbital warfare is pretty cool and all, the game just doesn't satisfy me enough. Even getting those achievements ain't worth getting since the game itself bores me too much.
Moving on to bigger fish, news and other fish.
Q1. Why did u move back here (to blogspot)?
A1. Because it mush simpler and easier to use. AKA - Since I made that, I though it was super awesome and would be mush easier to work with. BUT as usual, it didn't work out. Too much work here and there, some people might not been able to get in and... it was just that.
(NOT to mention I tried it SEVERAL times and quit using it, deleting old accounts and such)
Q2- What are you doing now?
A2- Playing a shit loads of games like Halo Wars, Section 8, FEAR and the following below. I borrowing these games from a real life friend for a while. And I put general reviews on them.
Halo Wars - Good game for getting achievements and for knocking
off several hours.
FEAR - Haven't beaten it yet, okay so far.
Airborne - Better than most.
Army of Two - It's worth $20 if you're getting it.
Lost planet - Pain in the ass. Pretty okay but don't really care
EndWar - Haven't beaten yet but a bit more entertaining than Halo Wars.
Section 8 - Don't really like it.
Q3- When is your fucking future machinima/future projects coming like Grey Team, that D51 Ep 4 crap, or whatever the fuck you're making/coming out?!
A3- I just don't know... I JUST DON'T FUCKING KNOW!!!!!!
But I do know is that they will come out when their done, canceled or postponed. I haven't delete my D51 Ep 4 files yet so that something. Even I have written 3 scripts shits for Grey Team, I don't know if I'll continue with it... IT'S NOT EASY YOU KNOW!!!!
As for ANY series in general, Since my stuff is good but average crappy stuff so far, I might finally sink to a new low soon enough. Something to do with Zelda, ODST or something with movie making.
Speaking of ODST, I might borrow a copy of the same friend and might make something of it, like firefight or... a mini series that MIGHT be finished???
Q4- What's up with the address?
A4- I figure that my GT is Dragonheartd51, I figure... why the hell not?
If I don't like it, I can change it to... DragonD51Pro.blogsopt???
Q5- You said something about a new Online alias and a back-up account?
A5- You heard right, I will and hope to get around that soon enough but it won't be anytime soon. The name? Yet to be born and the back-up?
It's a back up account. :)
Now I'm sick of typing and want to do something. I might have to purge my PC and start all over in the future due to viruses and due to a anti virus thingy that won't work on my PC but if that happens I'll let you know about.
Peace out.
PS: Does ANYONE give a shit about ODST anymore???
... I guess not.
Moving on to bigger fish, news and other fish.
Q1. Why did u move back here (to blogspot)?
A1. Because it mush simpler and easier to use. AKA - Since I made that, I though it was super awesome and would be mush easier to work with. BUT as usual, it didn't work out. Too much work here and there, some people might not been able to get in and... it was just that.
(NOT to mention I tried it SEVERAL times and quit using it, deleting old accounts and such)
Q2- What are you doing now?
A2- Playing a shit loads of games like Halo Wars, Section 8, FEAR and the following below. I borrowing these games from a real life friend for a while. And I put general reviews on them.
Halo Wars - Good game for getting achievements and for knocking
off several hours.
FEAR - Haven't beaten it yet, okay so far.
Airborne - Better than most.
Army of Two - It's worth $20 if you're getting it.
Lost planet - Pain in the ass. Pretty okay but don't really care
EndWar - Haven't beaten yet but a bit more entertaining than Halo Wars.
Section 8 - Don't really like it.
Q3- When is your fucking future machinima/future projects coming like Grey Team, that D51 Ep 4 crap, or whatever the fuck you're making/coming out?!
A3- I just don't know... I JUST DON'T FUCKING KNOW!!!!!!
But I do know is that they will come out when their done, canceled or postponed. I haven't delete my D51 Ep 4 files yet so that something. Even I have written 3 scripts shits for Grey Team, I don't know if I'll continue with it... IT'S NOT EASY YOU KNOW!!!!
As for ANY series in general, Since my stuff is good but average crappy stuff so far, I might finally sink to a new low soon enough. Something to do with Zelda, ODST or something with movie making.
Speaking of ODST, I might borrow a copy of the same friend and might make something of it, like firefight or... a mini series that MIGHT be finished???
Q4- What's up with the address?
A4- I figure that my GT is Dragonheartd51, I figure... why the hell not?
If I don't like it, I can change it to... DragonD51Pro.blogsopt???
Q5- You said something about a new Online alias and a back-up account?
A5- You heard right, I will and hope to get around that soon enough but it won't be anytime soon. The name? Yet to be born and the back-up?
It's a back up account. :)
Now I'm sick of typing and want to do something. I might have to purge my PC and start all over in the future due to viruses and due to a anti virus thingy that won't work on my PC but if that happens I'll let you know about.
Peace out.
PS: Does ANYONE give a shit about ODST anymore???
... I guess not.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
I'm back... with a new year to attack and rape with
this new blog to get some shit organize in which the
webs somehow failed... or this is easier.
So yeah... I made a new one like that JonCJG dude.
Just to start off 2010 with a new site that's easier
to maintain than Now that out of the way,
looks like I'm back here for good and hope that this
A couple of new pages will be out some time later this month
and other news of projects like Grey Team will be up here
Until next time, try NOT to make a ass out of yourself in
Modern Warfare 2.
I'm back... with a new year to attack and rape with
this new blog to get some shit organize in which the
webs somehow failed... or this is easier.
So yeah... I made a new one like that JonCJG dude.
Just to start off 2010 with a new site that's easier
to maintain than Now that out of the way,
looks like I'm back here for good and hope that this
A couple of new pages will be out some time later this month
and other news of projects like Grey Team will be up here
Until next time, try NOT to make a ass out of yourself in
Modern Warfare 2.
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